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Strata Community Association 2022 Awards

Strata Community Association 2022 Awards

SCA 2022 Awards Stratarama Recognised Again! Adelaide Zoo hosted the Annual SCA (Strata Community Association) Awards for Excellence on the 18th of November 2022. Stratarama took home the award for STRATA COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT SMALL BUSINESS. This is the second time consecutively that Stratarama has received this award after taking home the Small Strata Management Business [...]
INSURANCE CAN BE COMPLEX: The Value of a Strata Manager

INSURANCE CAN BE COMPLEX: The Value of a Strata Manager

Insurance can be complex: The Value of a Strata Manager Please find below a Link to an informative document on the value of your Strata and Community Title Manager being able to assist your Body Corporate with your Insurance needs. The Strata Manager is here to help on Insurance matters; such as claims processing, paying [...]
Termites – reducing risk & the signs

Termites – reducing risk & the signs

No property is guaranteed to not experience some sort of termite activity, so whether you own a house or are a Member of a Strata or Community Corporation, knowing some of the signs for termites and also some of the ways you can reduce the risks is very important. Many Body Corporates will be on […]



& How a Community Manager can assist in the preparation and transition from development to Community Corporation In South Australia, The Developer has a legal obligation to set up the first statutory meeting of the Community group called the Inaugural meeting. Often the Developers engage a Management firm to prepare and run that meeting along [...]
Fire Season

Fire Season

We all are well aware that South Australia is one of the driest States in the country. As we draw close to Summer and the Christmas Holidays - we all have our diaries full of appointments or planned holidays (thank you to the opening of Borders). However, before we move into Holiday mode, now is [...]
What Happens When You Don’t Pay Your Strata Fee

What Happens When You Don’t Pay Your Strata Fee

If you have lived in either a townhouse or an apartment in South Australia, you might know something about Strata Title and fees.  Here is everything you need to know about a Strata Corporation and the regular levies (or strata fees) paid by the Owners.  What Is a Strata Titled Property? Strata titled properties are […]

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