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What is the difference between a Strata Manager and a Property Manager?
Cracking In Strata Building
Cracking in buildings is a very common issue faced by the people of Adelaide and South Australia. The effects and issues arise throughout the property and not simply in Strata Title of Community Title properties. What Is Cracking? Buildings and other constructed structures are moving constantly, yet for the most part, these movements occur at […]
Insurance Valuation Reports for Strata Corporations
Owning a strata property comes with certain responsibilities. There is a requirement upon all Strata Corporations that the property is collectively insured for full replacement value at all times. This is a legislated requirement simply to protect each Member of the Strata Corporation, ensuring that the whole site is insured. This is in reference to […]
Strata Insurance Claims
Water Issues In Strata Buildings
Strata Management: Everything You Need To Know
What does a Strata Manager do? A Strata Managers role is to manage a property group – i.e Strata titled property. These consist of multiple dwellings (often apartments or townhouses) that have a collective responsibility to maintain common property areas and fund the same. The Strata Managers role is to dutifully support the property Owners […]
Everything You Need to Know About Strata Fees in South Australia
Stratarama hit the Road in June
What is Strata Management?
Strata Management is the professional management of Strata Titled Properties. In South Australia, Strata Titled properties can consist of apartments, units, flats, homettes, townhouses and more. These are all part of a strata title collective which means these dwellings comprise of more than one Owner and have an element of common property. Strata Titled properties […]
Have you ever heard of Removal of Debris cover?
Removal of Debris or ROD is the cost of removing and disposing of property (damaged or undamaged) to enable a building to be rebuilt after an insurable loss.