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Stratarama hit the Road in June

We have been picking up some Strata titled properties from a wide array of suburbs in 2020, and we know that many Strata Owners have had several questions that they haven’t had an opportunity to ask or didn’t know who to ask. So, in June, Stratarama hit the road and set up in three very separate shopping centre locations. We went out to the public so that those burning questions could be asked and answered.

Our first stop was the Para banks shopping Centre, where we met many people from the surrounding areas including Salisbury, Paralowie, Elizabeth Vale, and Brahma lodge.

Stop two took us to the Hub Shopping Centre at Aberfoyle Park, meeting locals from the region, Flagstaff Hill, Happy Valley, Coromandel Valley and O’Halloran Hill.

Lastly, our third stop had the Stratarama team visit the more central, Sefton Plaza Shopping Centre. At this top of the Strata road trip, we spoke with people from Prospect, Nailsworth, Collinswood, Broadview, Enfield, Kilburn, Hampstead Gardens and even North Adelaide.

Being out and about and meeting so many friendly faces was exciting for Stratarama given the previous few months of Covid restrictions and minimal face to face interactions, we found these sessions really enjoyable.

Not every question asked on the day was Strata related of course. We spoke with small building Developers interested in knowing a little about our network of preferred Tradespeople, who we might suggest that they speak to regarding certain jobs. We chatted with Owners interested in our feedback on which Sales Agents would be worth approaching for a sales appraisal in their area, and many more people who stopped to get some general property insights.

Some of the Strata related queries we received were:

  • What does my Strata fees cover?
  • I have a maintenance item that needs addressing, how do I go about this?
  • Our unit is sustaining water damage, how is this resolved?
  • Our Complex has a large pile up of rubbish at the front, why hasn’t it been removed?
  • Our Managers are taking a long time to resolve maintenance issues?
  • How do I lodge an insurance claim?
  • Does my Strata insurance policy cover items inside my unit?
  • How do I find out who my manager is?
  • How do I work out what fees are paid to our Managers?

Stratarama were of course asked some great questions about our services:

  • What services can I expect from Stratarama?
  • How do I engage Stratarama to manage our property?
  • What costs could we expect from Stratarama?
  • We had an AGM recently, but would like to move management – can we?
  • What is the process to change management?

Some of these questions are answered and available already on our website:, however, we encourage anyone who would like to get more information about any of the above queries to send us an email or give us a call on 08 8276 0426 as sometimes the answers are specific to your individual property. Sometimes an owner may need to inspect and review their Articles or Bylaws to get to the answer that they seek, or they may need to review their strata or community title plans which outline where the common property is and/ or what areas they own individually.

Above all – the two questions we received most were:

  1. What is Strata management? / what is a Strata?
  2. What does Stratarama do?

We were so pleased to receive these questions because we love letting people know all about the service that you can expect from Stratarama, and what a professional management company will provide to unit Owners and because we love talking about Strata.

We have never seen another Strata management Company out and about in Shopping Centres speaking with regular unit Owners and answering your questions – the importance of “what is a Strata and what is strata management” can not be understated. Much of the public does not know what a Strata unit is, even when they are considering purchasing one. A report recently indicated that at least 9% of the South Australian population is residing in a Strata or community titled scheme, yet the details of exactly what this means for a Purchaser, what their rights and responsibilities are, is not common knowledge.

Their area approximately 131,662 units or lots in SA and this number is going to continue to grow, so it is vital that information and education about Strata and Community titles are accessible and the entire real estate sector and governments consider more ways of spreading valuable information with the general public about Strata. In the meantime, Stratarama is so pleased to be here and spreading what information we can.

Our Strata Manager: Tony Johnson is often answering queries with no obligations. You may have seen him on the Lookup Strata website writing responses to queries posed by Strata Owners here in South Australia. Recently undertaking a Zoom video chat with Lookup Strata which you can see on our social media feeds.

Reach out anytime to ask us anything you like about Strata and Community titled properties. We were so pleased to interact with you all, that we are going to hit the road again in the coming months. Keep an eye out for Stratarama on all our socials for where we will head next and when.

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